Are you ready to change the Culture in your Organisation?
Create a culture of change in your workplace. Facilitate an engaging program to create the results you need - motivated people who want to be productive and successful.
Using scientifically researched proven models, frameworks and methodologies, your people will feel valued, be caring and focused as they strive to empower each other.
A results-focussed investment in your team and your business.
Employees are happiest at work when their values align with the organisation. Positive psychology teaches us that our basic needs must be met in order to excel at work and in life.
Creating an environment that allows individuals to flourish is key to staff retention. Safe, supportive workplaces encourage their team to use their strengths and achieve their potential.
Research shows that employees are more committed and invested in their role when working for companies that prioritise professional and personal development.
Good Leaders Coach
Chris, Capability & Development Partner at her organisation shares how SAGE Insights changed their culture through developing the coaching skills of 300+ managers.
By empowering employees to value transparency, trust and accountability they continue to create a more positive and productive work environment.
The Discovery Process
Only you know your team, the issues you are managing and most importantly, where you want your organisation to go. That is why our Needs Analysis is the essential, first ingredient to begin a culture change.
Working with your key decisions makers we model the skills of social intelligence to discover 3 areas:
What is going well, your positive core and the foundation of your success
What is not going well, your areas of negativity that block success
What results would the workplace create if it was the best it could be
We Listen
beyond what is said to discover your workplace values.
We Question
to understand the underpinning beliefs and feelings that enhance and block what is important.
We Summarise
to demonstrate that we understand what is important in what is said.
We Design a Way Forward
with a dynamic program that incorporates the needs, values and vision for your organisation.
A Positive Strengths-Based Approach
Instead of focusing on weaknesses and issues in your team we shine the spotlight on the strengths and success of individuals in order to keep adapting.
We embrace the spirit of your organisation, to build a caring culture where leadership uses social intelligence to be understanding and fair.
We do this by:
Amplifying positive language and feelings to build confidence in each other
Leading meaningful conversations especially when there is conflict so individuals feel valued for who they are and what they do
Relationships that engage each person to feel valued working together to accomplish team results
Words from our Participants