How will you Move Forward into 2024?
A week before Christmas, I am surprisingly organised. Presents bought and wrapped, Christmas tree decorated. Packing sorted to drive to visit family in Victoria. Ahhh… time to reflect on 2023 and prepare for the new year.
Then, a sudden change of direction, my first bout of Covid. Easy… so I thought. I am fully vaccinated, I am prepared for Christmas. I am healthy and will heal quickly. The virus had different ideas.
All I wanted to do was sleep, sleep and more sleep. Day 3, my husband tested positive, antivirals assisted his healing. We both slept, sweated, drank water, took Panadol. Day 4, I felt better, still fatigued. Day 5, Christmas travel plans aborted - we don’t have the energy. Instead we binge watched Netflix’s, Season 6 of The Crown. A scene grabs my attention… Prince Phillip consoling his 15-year-old grandson, William who is suddenly motherless, directionless, alone and grieving. It is how I am feeling with the way 2023 has impacted on my life. How will I move forward in 2024?
Phillip wisely gives William some guidance, acknowledging feelings first, he says “Pain is pain, grief is grief, loss is loss, the past is the past”. William feels understood, he listens. Phillip explains, we can choose to become resentful, blaming others with what life gives us and that which we don’t like. Or we could choose to accept that the past is the past, appreciate what we gained and those who support us and move forward into the future, being a better version of ourselves.
So, as I move forward into 2024, I am choosing to:
Accept 2023 has passed with my achievements and disappointments.
Appreciate those who support me and valuing what I gained from the past.
Move forward, being a better Mary, in all my roles in life – as a life partner to Ian, a Nana, a Company Director and a friend.
What life lessons have you gained in 2023? Who supports you to be you? How will you be a better version of yourself in 2024?